
Hold of qualify for an Oregon teaching license through Teacher Standards and Practices Commission with an Elementary endorsement and authorization and be considered highly qualified by the Oregon Department of Education. Current KCSD licensed employee.



1. Plan daily instruction using the provided materials.

2. Enhance and deliver integrated projects.

3. Record student attendance.

4. Progress monitor student learning.

5. Foster positive relationships with students, parents, and other staff.

6. Provide an engaging, nurturing and safe learning environment.

7. Participate in professional learning.


Days: Monday-Friday

Times: Varies (5.5 hours) 

Dates: (June 24 - July 19) with students - Teacher professional development July 21 with possible opportunities before June 19 after school.

Locations: District SUmmer Programs will be housed at Ferguson Elementary & Malin Elementary


Typical Daily Schedule:

8:00-8:30    Student arrival and breakfast

8:30-12:30  Instructional program   

12:30- 1:00  Lunch and dismissal

1:00-1:30 Teacher planning for next day.


Pay rate will be based on your 24/25 hourly rate.